Reflecting on the experience of the synod of the Youth

Synod, a time of grace
Ten days after the end of my mission
at the Bishops' Conference on August 31, after completing my move from my
Xavier community of Vanves to Toronto for the beginning of November, I arrived in
Rome to prepare myself for the Youth Synod which took place from October 3 to
28. I was appointed by Pope Francis to participate as an observer in this
ecclesial event that will so mark for me the end of ten years of ministry at
the National Service for the Evangelization of Youth and for Vocations.
received this appointment as a very beautiful gift to close this stage of my
life, and at the same time I read it again today as a new beginning, an entry
into a new period of sabbatical, opening up new horizons that are still
unknown. Beyond what I could have imagined, this synod was an amazing and wonderful
experience of the universal Church. A time of common listening to the Holy Spirit,
a time of passage, like a pilgrimage, a blessed time of encounters and a true
"walk together" with young people to discern the new paths of the
Church’s mission today.
I come out of this month profoundly transformed, having
received through this experience more immersion in the mystery of the Trinitarian
life, and in the mystery of the Church, Body of Christ, Temple of the Spirit,
People of God.
And I have the feeling that this October synod will also mark a
new stage for the Church, which is called more than ever to pursue its path of
reform by fostering more synodality.
I still have difficulty in finding the
right words to talk about it – something like being on the move, or " put out into the deep water,". Nevertheless, I
will try to evoke what we have experienced through three images: pilgrimage, discernment,
Synod, a pilgrimage to the sources
We really lived
this synod - from the Greek word "sun-odos" which means "to walk
together" - as a walk together listening to the Holy Spirit", a walk
with brothers and sisters from all continents, a walk in the form of a
conversation, a very incarnate walk because the words of each one were
inhabited by the concrete social realities of their field of origin, a journey
marked by the simple and close presence of Pope Francis who presided over the
This pilgrimage journey has led us into a movement of conversion, a dynamic of common and collaborative research, to discern, through mutual listening and listening to the young bearers of the challenges of this world, to which the Church is called today. In this process we were invitedus
to honestly and humbly acknowledge the truth and simply name the reality of
today's young people, their joys and sorrows, but also to identify without fear
the strengths and weaknesses of the Church in its way of reaching and
accompanying young people. As we did so we felt the great closeness of Christ
who was accompanying us.
This pilgrimage journey has led us into a movement of conversion, a dynamic of common and collaborative research, to discern, through mutual listening and listening to the young bearers of the challenges of this world, to which the Church is called today. In this process we were invited
Every synod is
deeply rooted in a liturgical act, in the Eucharist, and gives participants the
opportunity to receive themselves together from the movement of Christ in His offering
to the Father. This 15th Ordinary General Assembly of Bishops opened and
also closed with a solemn Mass presided over by the Pope. In addition, the Word
of God was at the centre of the synod hall and permeated our speeches. Thus, we
had the impression that we really experienced something from the path of the
disciples of Emmaus. This is why this passage was chosen as the main theme of
the Final Document. Finally, a rhythm of prayer permeated our working days in
the Aula as in the Circuli Minores and united us in the same faith beyond all
differences of language, culture, status...
The Synod was a
privileged time and space to follow Christ more closely and to experience how
the Church is truly the Body of Christ, the presence of the Risen One on this
earth. Thus, I lived these almost four
weeks as a kind of great retreat, of Thirty days according to the Spiritual
Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. In the shadow of the Tomb of St. Peter,
with these pastors representing all the local churches, we plunged into the
sources of faith, the sources of the Gospel, the sources of Trinitarian life,
communion of love and model of every ecclesial community. This synod has led me
once again into the waters of Baptism, into the paschal mystery, and has
brought to life a form of new birth, a path of Resurrection. It also marks a
new beginning for the Church and we had the impression that we were living a
rather historical moment. Because it has made it possible, I believe, to take a
great step forward in the reception of Vatican II.
Synod, an exercise in discernment
I have been
fortunate to have been deeply involved in the preparation of the Synod in
France and the Vatican since its surprise announcement last October 2016 by
Pope Francis. I had time to prepare myself spiritually for this event having
been able in the previous weeks in Rome to read and work on the questions of
the Synod while learning Italian. I felt a particular call to serve this
synodal process by entering into the spiritual attitudes of discernment to be
able to listen to the motions of the Spirit - in myself and in our assembly -
while remaining in a great inner freedom. Having no institutional mission since
my departure from the French Bishops’ Conference, I had the chance to live this
synod simply as a Xavier sister, a religious among six other religious sisters
among all the other participants.
I was particularly
inspired by the desire to live at the heart of the Synod our Xavier mission of
"making the link between all", based on these three attitudes
highlighted during our last General Chapter: to live hospitality, to take care
of, to console. When I arrived at the Synod, I realized that I already knew
quite a few people in the different groups: bishops and cardinals, religious,
special secretaries and experts, young people and auditors, members of the
communication commission, the team of the General Secretariat of the Synod. I
therefore tried to help connect them. I tried to build bridges, to enter into
dialogue in a simple way over the days to weave communion. From all these many
encounters, I have received a lot of joy and remain marked, touched by many
exchanges that give an insight into the cultures, languages, concerns and
realities of different countries and continents.
I was nourished by
the humanity of the participants with whom I was able to share, by the very
peaceful and fraternal atmosphere that reigned among us, by the spirit that flowed
through the assembly, by the dynamism and enthusiasm of the young people, by
the quality of the exchanges and reflections, by the spirit of openness and
dialogue, by the attention paid to the words of the young people, the desire to
take into account women.
This synodal process allowed the active involvement of all, including the auditors who were fully involved in the work. We experienced with joy the co-responsibility in a true collaboration with the bishops and cardinals. And it was fruitful. We felt that we were united by a common passion for young people with the same desire to proclaim Christ to them to help them discern their path of life. We tasted the joy of missionary communion, of unity in diversity. This "spiritual attunement" has given us a renewed energy to move forward boldly in the very experience of the fragility of the Church in these turbulent times of crisis.
This synodal process allowed the active involvement of all, including the auditors who were fully involved in the work. We experienced with joy the co-responsibility in a true collaboration with the bishops and cardinals. And it was fruitful. We felt that we were united by a common passion for young people with the same desire to proclaim Christ to them to help them discern their path of life. We tasted the joy of missionary communion, of unity in diversity. This "spiritual attunement" has given us a renewed energy to move forward boldly in the very experience of the fragility of the Church in these turbulent times of crisis.
We emerged with the
strengthened conviction that synodality, "the constitutive dimension of
the Church", is a key to the proclamation and transmission of the faith
today and must become the "missionary style" of the Church to meet
the challenges of our contemporary world. This is why the drafters of the Final
Document of the Synod were led to devote an entire chapter to this theme of
synodality, thus putting into words the path we have travelled. And by this we
mean this clear call to implement locally at all levels "missionary
synodality" in the Church.
And it seems to me that religious life, through its concrete experience of discernment as a way of life, has a particular role to play in the reception of this synod.
And it seems to me that religious life, through its concrete experience of discernment as a way of life, has a particular role to play in the reception of this synod.
Synod, a new Pentecost
As I was able to
say at the beginning of my 4' presentation in plenary on the importance of
diversified teamwork for the minister to young people today, we perceived and
gave thanks "for this breath that passes through our assembly, the breath
of the Spirit, the breath of the Second Vatican Council, the breath of young
people that renews the Church when it puts them at the centre. ».
Thus, at the heart of our work, we experienced a kind of new Pentecost receiving like a flame, following Peter and the apostles in the Upper Room, the power of the Holy Spirit. With a burning heart, we "left" the Synod after the vote on the Final Document, like Peter and the Apostles of the Upper Room, sent to transmit the fire of the Synod, not being able to keep silent about what we have received.
We left Rome joyful and full of hope with the lively desire to be co-actors with the young people of this missionary Church which goes out to meet all young people, paying particular attention to those who are the most distant and most in difficulty. As Moses in the Burning Bush hears the Lord and the cry of his people - "I have seen, yes, I have seen the misery of my people..." (Ex 3, 7) - throughout these weeks we have heard loudly the sufferings, the struggles, the cries, the aspirations of the young. Thus, the issue of migration, which primarily affects young people, has been very present in our exchanges. But also that of unemployment or the digital world, without forgetting the persecutions, injustices, insecurity and poverty that obscure the future of many young people throughout the world.
Thus, at the heart of our work, we experienced a kind of new Pentecost receiving like a flame, following Peter and the apostles in the Upper Room, the power of the Holy Spirit. With a burning heart, we "left" the Synod after the vote on the Final Document, like Peter and the Apostles of the Upper Room, sent to transmit the fire of the Synod, not being able to keep silent about what we have received.
We left Rome joyful and full of hope with the lively desire to be co-actors with the young people of this missionary Church which goes out to meet all young people, paying particular attention to those who are the most distant and most in difficulty. As Moses in the Burning Bush hears the Lord and the cry of his people - "I have seen, yes, I have seen the misery of my people..." (Ex 3, 7) - throughout these weeks we have heard loudly the sufferings, the struggles, the cries, the aspirations of the young. Thus, the issue of migration, which primarily affects young people, has been very present in our exchanges. But also that of unemployment or the digital world, without forgetting the persecutions, injustices, insecurity and poverty that obscure the future of many young people throughout the world.
We also heard from
the young people present testimonies of faith that edified us, stories of
salvation that gave us the opportunity to touch with our fingers the action of
the Spirit in the lives of those who let themselves be transformed by the
encounter with Christ. We have received a rejuvenation, a renewed faith, a missionary
impulse, a new courage... And finally a call to dare to boldly invent new ways
of being Church today in creative fidelity to be closer to young people and to
walk with them, giving them more responsibility in confidence. For we have
understood more deeply that they are a full part of the Church and are even a
missionary driving force. That is why we must now seek in our different places
of the Church how to associate them more as partners in the mission, first of
all to evangelize young people, but not only. Indeed, on many subjects, they
will help us to be more at the borders to meet the current challenges that
particularly challenge them: the fight against injustice and poverty, the
humanization and evangelization of the digital world, the reality of migrants
and refugees, the implementation of integral ecology according to Laudato Si,
intercultural and interreligious dialogue, the place of women in society and in
the Church...
Synod, laboratory of ecclesial life?
Finally, the
synodal journey with its focus on the accompaniment of vocational discernment
among young people has allowed us to deepen these key words declined in the
second part of the Final Document: youth, vocation, discernment, accompaniment.
In Chapter 1 of
this Part II, youth is seen as a gift, a privileged moment in life, that of the
path to becoming a mature adult who can commit himself to the service of others
until he makes a definitive choice of life. This path is a path of freedom and
liberation, and to accomplish it, young people need guides.
The vocation -
Chapter 2 of Part II - is presented as a mystery, the mystery of God's singular
call for everyone who receives his life as a gift to give. The vocation is thus
to live as an adventure, a path of transformation, a continuous creation, a
dynamic identity. A vocation can only be understood and discovered within the
very vocation of the Church, a community of called people, made up of a great
variety of charisms.
Accompaniment in
Chapter 3 is presented as the mission of the whole Church called to accompany
each one in his different choices (commitments, profession, form of life...).
Vocational discernment is lived in both community and personal accompaniment,
which today requires an emphasis on the formation of quality spiritual guides
capable of practicing and transmitting to others the art of discernment.
This art of
discernment - well described in Chapter 4 - is a service of freedom exercised
in this place of personal conscience and in what the biblical tradition calls
"the heart", this inner place of listening and meeting God.
In the wake of the
two synods on the family and Amoris Laetitia, this synod therefore highlighted
the challenge of thinking today about Christian life in a complex world as a
way of life, lived with discernment,
which is an art of living listening to the Holy Spirit by daring to make
choices in response to Christ's call.
However, one cannot discern alone but only in a common listening of the Spirit with brothers. In this sense, the Synod as a process is presented as a true ecclesial laboratory of discernment as well as a laboratory of fraternity to help us become more concretely these "discerning" brothers and sisters called together to put into practice this missionary communion that is the Church which goes forth.
The synodality highlighted by this synod can thus be understood as a way of formation to this art of living together in the plural Church of the plural world which is the art of living as a Christian according to the missionary style of Jesus and the first Christian communities. A style that, in the school of Pope Francis, emphasizes the mercy and common vocation of the baptized, all called to holiness. In this synodal Church, the missionary disciples who know themselves to be poor and fragile fishermen discover themselves with wonder called to be witnesses in acts of this mercy because they are co-responsible for a Church that is always on the path of spiritual, pastoral and missionary conversion.
However, one cannot discern alone but only in a common listening of the Spirit with brothers. In this sense, the Synod as a process is presented as a true ecclesial laboratory of discernment as well as a laboratory of fraternity to help us become more concretely these "discerning" brothers and sisters called together to put into practice this missionary communion that is the Church which goes forth.
The synodality highlighted by this synod can thus be understood as a way of formation to this art of living together in the plural Church of the plural world which is the art of living as a Christian according to the missionary style of Jesus and the first Christian communities. A style that, in the school of Pope Francis, emphasizes the mercy and common vocation of the baptized, all called to holiness. In this synodal Church, the missionary disciples who know themselves to be poor and fragile fishermen discover themselves with wonder called to be witnesses in acts of this mercy because they are co-responsible for a Church that is always on the path of spiritual, pastoral and missionary conversion.
Sr Nathalie Becquart, Xavier sister,
observer at the Synod on Youth
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